Salud Migrante

Actualmente los servicios de salud estan lideando con un alto numero de pacientes que no manejan el idioma local, esta situacion es tanto frustrante para el profesional como para el paciente, impidiendo un ejercicio optimo, lo que en situaciones de urgencia puede conllevar un riezgo vital. Nuestra propuesta se enfoca en productos enfocados a los profesionales de salud que lidean con poblacion que no maneja el idioma. La propuesta tiene 3 etapas:1-Desarrollo de manuales de atencion, con palabras y frases esenciales para que un profesional de salud pueda indagar y comunicarse con sus usuarios. El material tiene como objetivo ser un facilitador a la comunicacion entre ambos actores.2-Curso online. Al igual que lo anterior, el curso se enfoca en entregar herramientas a los profesionales que quieran perfeccionar su desempeño con el idioma.3-APP. La ultima etapa es condensar todo en una aplicacion donde se pueda practicar y contenga el manual.El piloto será de kreyòl/creole.
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HOW I WAS ABLE TO RECOVER MY STOLEN CRYPTOS!!! I was a victim of an Organized Crypto trading fraud which nearly ruined my life because I tempered with the company’s funds where I work, being the manager so I had access to Lot of funds. I lost almost everything under my custody and nearly went to jail but God intervened at the last minute by sending JETWEBHCAKERS to my rescue, a private hacking firm who was able to help me traced my BTC to the Bitcoin account where i invested my money and was able to recover all of it within 48 hours. Don’t ever feel ashamed to speak out if you have ever been a victim because these con-men are becoming more sophisticated everyday. Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers
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A MUST READ FOR ANYONE WHO HAS EVER FALLEN FOR CRYPTO SCAM BEFORE Another Successful Bitcoin Recovery, My husband and I are another successful client of Recovery Masters among many. I read countless positive reviews about how they have been using their Recovery expertise to help people achieve their happiness back by recovering their scammed or lost Bitcoin and assets from fraudulent and posers of Cryptocurrencies trading companies. After reading many of the wonderful services they render, I had to contact them because my husband was seriously defrauded by some scammers online, it all ended in goodwill as we were able to recover what we thought we had lost to scammers. Contact them on email ( )
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